There are remedies & guidance within life’s every cycle

Rachel BLUME

Spiritual Advisor - Seer - Metaphysician - Sacred Ceremonialist - Intuitive Counselor - Breathwork - Flower Essence Practioner



Private session work is an in-depth one-on-one coming together with you and your High Counsel of Guides. Together, we connect with the energy of your true radiance and discover the stumbling blocks that are keeping you from fully embodying the truth of who you are as the Source of all greatness and pure potential


Sacred Space

Sacred Space is the timeless realm where it is safe to slow down and deeply enter into the core of your very own spiritual nature.

1.1 sessions ~ In-person gatherings ~ Retreats ~ Virtual rituals



Each flower holds its own unique imprint of medicine and messages that can assist within your own path of healing, revealing, transformation, self-love, and emotional freedom.

Essence of the MA is a high vibrational healing flower essence line that is crafted with deep respect for the realm of the flora and fauna.